tesourinhos deprimentes: "Mel Gibson visits Lucia of Fatima"
ou como as Carmelitas viram em primeira mão o DVD da "Paixão de Cristo".
Mel Gibson e Irmã Lúcia, Convento das Carmelitas, Coimbra, Julho 2004(?)
We came up with the idea of Mel Gibson seeing Lucia for theological reasons, as she is very very pro Holy Father and we are not sure about Mel Gibson's feelings on this subject and he never says one way or the other. It seemed a good idea for the two to meet. Such meetings are not hard if you go through Father Kondor and give good reasons.
(aqui para a página da Unity Publishing: Vote Pro Life (Your Salvation is at Risk))
PS: é óbvio que não ponho as mãos no fogo pela Unity Publishing.